When writing a Tiff file using the standard ImageIO API in Java, you must initialize a TIFFImageWriter object.

ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("TIFF").next();

The compression type is set at the TIFFImageWriteParam object, returned from TIFFImageWriter.

ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();

You can list the available compression types as an array of Strings with the following method. 1


The available compression types for Tiff are:

  • CCITT T.4
  • CCITT T.6
  • LZW
  • JPEG
  • ZLib
  • PackBits
  • Deflate
  • Exif JPEG

If you need CCITT Group 3, you can choose CCITT T.4. For CCITT Group 4, use CCITT T.6. Please pay attention to the other names a compression type is also known.

To set CCITT Group 3 compression type:

param.setCompressionType("CCITT T.4");

Now, pass the TIFFImageWriter created as the third parameter when using javax.imageio.ImageWriter.write() for single page Tiff, or as the second parameter when using javax.imageio.ImageWriter.writeToSequence() while creating multi-pages Tiff.

TIFF uses lossless compression 2, so ImageWriteParam.getCompressionQuality() will always return the highest quality value.